Dom mladih Split

SIKSA - punk duo performans u Kocki!

SIKSA — punk duo per­for­mans u Kocki!
18.4.2024. / 21 h / Klub Kocka

SIKSA (jidiš: שיקסע, roma­ni­zi­ra­no: shik­se, pogrd­na riječ za mla­du ženu koja se doživ­lja­va kao vul­gar­na, neiskus­na i nez­re­la) je femi­nis­tič­ki duo aran­ži­ran za glas, bas, tek­s­to­ve i tije­la. SIKSA u nas­tu­pu spa­ja­ju ener­gi­ju punk kon­cer­ta, per­for­ma­tiv­ne poezi­je i suvre­me­nog ple­sa. Zahvaljujući inte­rak­ci­ji s publi­kom, sva­ka pred­sta­va dobi­va jedins­tve­nu dra­ma­tič­nost. Zbog ogra­ni­če­nja ins­tru­me­na­ta i scen­ske pri­sut­nos­ti, dvo­jac nala­zi sna­gu za kre­ira­nje vlas­ti­tog puta. Ponekad se teme­lji na sje­ća­nji­ma iz dje­tinj­stva, pone­kad na baj­ka­ma i legen­da­ma ili stvar­nos­ti obra­đe­nom SIKSA nes­pu­ta­nim pogle­dom. U nji­ho­vom radu osob­no se susre­će sa poli­tič­kim, a neiz­re­če­no sa zaglušujućim.

SIKSA (Yiddish: שיקסע, roma­ni­zed: shik­se, dis­pa­ra­ging word for a young woman per­ci­eved as vul­gar, inexpe­ri­en­ced and imma­tu­re) is a femi­nist duo arran­ged for voice, bass, lyrics and bodi­es. SIKSA’s con­certs com­bi­ne the ener­gy of a punk con­cert, per­for­ma­ti­ve poetry or con­tem­po­rary dan­ce. Thanks to the inte­rac­ti­on with the audi­en­ce, every show acqu­ires unique dra­ma­tic quali­ti­es. In the limi­ta­ti­ons of the ins­tru­ments and sta­ge pre­sen­ce, the duo fin­ds the stren­g­th to car­ve the­ir own path. Sometimes it’s based on chil­d­ho­od memo­ri­es, other times on fairy tales and legen­ds, or reality tran­sfor­med by the unin­hi­bi­ted and unres­tra­ined visi­on of SIKSA. In her work, the per­so­nal meets the poli­ti­cal, and the uns­po­ken meets the deafe­ning. SIKSA played over 300 con­certs all over Europe, from small clubs and squ­ats, thro­ugh con­tem­po­rary art gal­le­ri­es to the lar­gest European fes­ti­vals. Since the begin­ning of 2023, SIKSA has been touring with the latest con­cert season enti­tled “… and the She-devil ban­gs with a bass”. “..and the She-devil ban­gs with the bass” – this is the title of a legend, a carol and a myth — all in one.

I wro­te it myself and abo­ut myself. Here, you will not find a king conqu­ering the land, nor an eagle in the nest. The king is now the CEO in a cor­po­ra­ti­on, and the eagle was rebran­ded, so he can keep an eye on the acti­on. In this “wha­te­ver pla­ce” and “wha­te­ver time” — here am I, the She-Devil. I’m use­less, I’m not­hing but tro­uble! My lan­gu­age is a mess. But when I go for it all the pros and the cons have hel­lish wor­ri­es. And here comes the Narrator, she’s unsu­re of her powers, and I will dan­ce with her until she feels free. Together we will con­fu­se stars and ear­t­hs as they were told by other authors.

We will tran­sform and screw toget­her and let them think they were way bet­ter! Since then, the oldest ladi­es of the Star-city say that in this val­ley of tears, lives the one who­se ton­gue was jum­ping to the rhythm!



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