SIKSA — punk duo performans u Kocki!
18.4.2024. / 21 h / Klub Kocka
SIKSA (jidiš: שיקסע, romanizirano: shikse, pogrdna riječ za mladu ženu koja se doživljava kao vulgarna, neiskusna i nezrela) je feministički duo aranžiran za glas, bas, tekstove i tijela. SIKSA u nastupu spajaju energiju punk koncerta, performativne poezije i suvremenog plesa. Zahvaljujući interakciji s publikom, svaka predstava dobiva jedinstvenu dramatičnost. Zbog ograničenja instrumenata i scenske prisutnosti, dvojac nalazi snagu za kreiranje vlastitog puta. Ponekad se temelji na sjećanjima iz djetinjstva, ponekad na bajkama i legendama ili stvarnosti obrađenom SIKSA nesputanim pogledom. U njihovom radu osobno se susreće sa političkim, a neizrečeno sa zaglušujućim.
SIKSA (Yiddish: שיקסע, romanized: shikse, disparaging word for a young woman percieved as vulgar, inexperienced and immature) is a feminist duo arranged for voice, bass, lyrics and bodies. SIKSA’s concerts combine the energy of a punk concert, performative poetry or contemporary dance. Thanks to the interaction with the audience, every show acquires unique dramatic qualities. In the limitations of the instruments and stage presence, the duo finds the strength to carve their own path. Sometimes it’s based on childhood memories, other times on fairy tales and legends, or reality transformed by the uninhibited and unrestrained vision of SIKSA. In her work, the personal meets the political, and the unspoken meets the deafening. SIKSA played over 300 concerts all over Europe, from small clubs and squats, through contemporary art galleries to the largest European festivals. Since the beginning of 2023, SIKSA has been touring with the latest concert season entitled “… and the She-devil bangs with a bass”. “..and the She-devil bangs with the bass” – this is the title of a legend, a carol and a myth — all in one.
I wrote it myself and about myself. Here, you will not find a king conquering the land, nor an eagle in the nest. The king is now the CEO in a corporation, and the eagle was rebranded, so he can keep an eye on the action. In this “whatever place” and “whatever time” — here am I, the She-Devil. I’m useless, I’m nothing but trouble! My language is a mess. But when I go for it all the pros and the cons have hellish worries. And here comes the Narrator, she’s unsure of her powers, and I will dance with her until she feels free. Together we will confuse stars and earths as they were told by other authors.
We will transform and screw together and let them think they were way better! Since then, the oldest ladies of the Star-city say that in this valley of tears, lives the one whose tongue was jumping to the rhythm!