July 14. 2023 / 7 pm — 9 pm / Blue Hall
Great news for all dance, jazz music and vintage style enthusiasts!
We have a renowned Slovenian swing dancer and teacher, Nejc Zupan, coming to Split.
Nejc will teach us the basics of Lindy Hop, the most popular swing dance.
The workshop will take place on July 14, 2023, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. But that’s not all! After the workshop, we’ll have a dance party where you can practice and apply your newly acquired skills!
Admission is 20 € per person.
Registration for the workshop is mandatory to ensure the best experience for all participants. Please sign up using the following
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, this workshop is open to everyone who loves dancing and wants to explore the world of swing.
Nejc started swing dancing back in 2003 as a result of his contemporary dance experience and a strong love for jazz music. Because of this, he became the main culprit for the popularization of Lindy Hop, Blues and Balboa in Slovenia in the early 2000s. His Swing dance experience is a collection of endless research into different dance forms, many international workshops and his humble willingness to keep learning from anybody willing to teach him. In the past decade, he has taught all over Europe with some of the most talented teachers around and has supported new growing swing scenes in numerous countries. He is known for his elegant and smooth style of dancing as he pays special attention to jazz movement, history and musicality, both quintessential to any Swing dance form.