Uzgon was founded in 1998 with the aim of developing and promoting contemporary art, with an emphasis on performing, audio-visual and interdisciplinary artistic activities and production of non-commercial creative and research works of art. Uzgon was designed as an administrative platform for the Fraktal Falus Teatar (theater group), Zidar Betonsky (music), Behemot (scenography and puppetry) and Resign (DTP, design) sections. To date, Fraktal Falus Teatar (FFT) is active: in the beginning, it was a cleaning brigade for the Youth Center, and its members were the first to create program at the then abandoned facility and advocate its completion. FFT was launched back in 1994 and over the years it has produced a range of interdisciplinary contemporary performances and performances based on physical theater, through which they covered a wide range of topics — from civil rights, through ecology, to religious and political conflicts.
Projects: “Victimize” (2013), “Ovo ne staje tek tako” (2012), “Proces Protokol” (2011), “Judita” (2010), “Judita 360” (2009), “Jezici v2” (2006), “Jezici” (2005), “Vena Cava” (2001), “Olovni vojnici” (2000), “Vena Cava” (1999), “Olovni vojnici” (1998), “Šah Mat” (1997), “Razgovor s Bogom” (1996), “Ribar” (1995), “Otmica Europe” (1994), “Stolice” (1994).
Contact: Hrvoje Cokarić / / 095 9053 879